
The Governance of the Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) is crucial to success. The Governance and Converting Process document details Members of the Academy Trust and their roles, Governors and their role with an example hierarchy and the conversion process in order to set up a complete, working Multi-Academy Trust.

The purpose of governance is to provide confident and strong strategic leadership which leads to robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance. Governance has three core functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

Within a Multi-Academy Trust such as OWLS, governance is led by the Trust Board, with some responsibilities delegated to the Local Governing Body of each school and Governing bodies across the Multi Academy Trust.

For more information about each individual governing body please see the individual school websites under Governance.

The Trust Board has overall responsibility for all governance in the trust and carries the final accountability for this. The focus of the Board is on the big picture, working with the Trust Headteacher/Executive Team to set the overall vision for the Trust, lead strategically and identify and respond to risks and opportunities.

The Board meets at least 9 times per year with 6 meetings focusing on Finance/Audit and Operations and 3 Full Trustees meetings on all aspects and Teaching and Learning. All Trustees are invited to attend all of these meetings. 

If you would like to apply to become a Trustee please click here to go to our vacancy page. 

Each school has a Local Governing Body, which holds the school to account for the quality of teaching and learning, the experience of pupils, parents and staff, the processes to ensure safeguarding, and informal links with the local community and businesses. LGBs ensure that school leaders are mindful of the school’s context and work within the overall vision of OWLS Academies Trust.

The Members of a Trust are not involved in the practical running of the organisation and do not take part in governing body or Board meetings, except as occasional observers.

Their role is to ensure that the Board keeps its core priorities at the centre of its work – providing education for children and young people – and retains its stated ethos and values.

Members appoint some of the Trustees and, in exceptional circumstances, can remove trustees who they have appointed. Members meet for our Annual General Meeting in January.


SEND Trustee: Margaret James

Safeguarding Trustee: Osiur Rahman


Secure Login area - Password required: https://owls.skanbridge.co.uk/

Local Governance Structures 

A Local Governing Body with a maximum of 14 members allowing for:

1 Head Teacher
4 Parent Governors
3 Staff Governors
6 Co-opted Governors.

All Local Governing Bodies should then aim to have at least 12 governors in position; that is to say that the operational minimum should be 12 governors.

Chairs of Governance and Committee Chairs for each School

 Chairs of Governors at each academy 2023 - 24.docxDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

GSD Training and Development booklet

 GSD Governors' Training Programme 2025_26.pdfDownload
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GSD Training and Development booklet

 GSD Governors' Training Programme 202425.pdfDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Governance  Organisation and Structure

Members and Trustees (Scroll down to view) 

Code of Conduct

 Academy_Trust Local Governing Board Code of Conduct 2024-2025 (1).docxDownload
 Board_of Trustees Code of Conduct_2024-2025.docxDownload
 Members Code of Conduct_2024-2025.docxDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3


Trustees Attendance at Full Trustees meetings 2023-2024:


Meetings attended Out of Possible
Dr J Tedds                                                                                           5 5
Mr P Merry  5 5
Mrs F Weston  4 5
Mrs K Clarke 3 5
Mrs M James 5 5
Mrs K Harvey 3 5
Mr O Rahman 4 5

Trustees Attendance at Finance Trustees meetings 2023-2024:

Trustees  Meetings attended Out of Possible
Dr J Tedds 4 6
Mr P Merry 6 6
Mrs F Weston 5 6
Mrs M James 5 6
Mrs K Harvey 5 6
Mr O Rahman 3 6